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Addiction and Substance Abuse

Addiction is characterized as a disease and occurs when a person becomes physically and psychologically dependent on substance – or the chemicals which that substance induces. The addict or alcoholic builds up a tolerance to the psychological effect of the drugs, as well as the physical effects, and needs more and more of it to get the intended effect. This then leads to an extreme dependency on it

When someone suffering from addiction tries to kick the habit, the body reacts in much the same way that it would if you were to deprive it of food or water. This is what leads to withdrawal, all of the unpleasantness associated with it, and then to relapse. It’s a cycle that many people find themselves in after it’s too late.

Addiction and dependency refer to the brain’s system relying on certain chemicals that are released and trigger our reward systems. This means that anything known to release a pleasurable effect can become addictive, like sex, work, exercise, etc.

When addiction takes hold of someone’s life, it can affect their personal relationships, as well as their professional ones, often leading to things like divorce and the loss of jobs. There is also the risk of imprisonment and death, as alcoholics risk driving drunk, and drug addicts do more and more to get their fix.

While some addicts are genetically predisposed to be an addict or alcoholic, there are also other things that can play a role in whether or not you will develop an addiction, such as:

Inability to cope with stressful situations Poor coping skills Depression Anxiety Chronic pain (physical or emotional) Early childhood trauma, and intergenerational transmission of trauma

Some or all of these may be true for the addict, and it’s important not to latch onto one and dismiss an addiction because one is not relatable. There have been addicts who suffered no early childhood trauma and led well-balanced lives who have developed an addiction. There are also people who have suffered from many of these ailments, who do not suffer from addiction.

It all depends on the person and their circumstances. If you or someone you know may be addicted to drugs or alcohol, please, call us now to talk to our addiction specialists 866-530-5486.

Illicity Drug Abuse and Addiction

Illicit drug abuse refers to any use of illegal street drugs, and the illegal use of prescription medicines. Street drugs are very harmful life-threatening because of the nature of their production. Not only are they highly addictive, but they’re often “cut” with other harmful chemicals. Add this to their already potent and addictive qualities, street drugs aren’t only extremely addictive but can carry serious legal consequences if someone is caught holding or selling them.

At Bay Addiction and Detox Center, we take a holistic approach to treatment, creating comprehensive treatment and care plans based on a patient’s individual needs. This means that if an addict suffers from an addiction to illicit street drugs, as well as alcohol, we will provide treatment for both simultaneously.

Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction

In the last decade, along with opioid abuse, prescription drug abuse has soared astronomically. Thanks to the ease of access, and the insane amount of money used to incentivize shady medical practices, prescription drugs are making their way into every circle where addiction lies.

Some of the persons engaged in the abuse of prescription drugs are consciously abusing them, but there are those too who become addicted after being prescribed a painkiller after an injury or a benzodiazepine for anxiety. The most heartbreaking stories of all come from those that were prescribed a medication by a doctor, then cut off from that medicine, which led them to find the same effect in illicit street drugs.

These stories are all too common, and end up with a double-up effect, in which the addict is then stuck managing many habits—keeping up with the medication as well as the new street drug.

Certain prescription drugs, like those that are used to treat anxiety, can be extremely dangerous to detox off of. It is imperative that if you or someone you know cannot stop taking prescription medicine, that you get in touch with us immediately. Please call 866-530-5486 to talk with our addiction specialists.

Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

What is alcoholism, and is it a problem?

Alcohol dependency (or alcoholism) can be one of the hardest to deal with and face. Drinking has become such a daily part of many people’s lives, and so wrapped up in our modern culture that it’s not always seen as a bad thing.

It’s true, some people can drink and suffer no adverse effects, but this sets a dangerous precedent for those that are addicted to alcohol and its effects, by leading them to believe they don’t have a problem because “it’s just alcohol.”

Please be aware that alcoholism is a problem, and it is an addiction, and while not every person with a drinking problem is an alcoholic, becoming addicted to it can have grave consequences, just like narcotics.

How do you know if you have a drinking problem? You might:

  • Get into legal trouble in reaction to your drinking, or the effects of your drinking (DUIs, assault cases, drunk in public, etc.)
  • Drink alcohol at inappropriate times, such as while at work or school
  • Neglect your responsibilities, and suffer a loss of trust in your ability by loved ones and co-workers
  • Drink to excess, to the point of blacking out
  • Lie to others about your drinking habits
  • Develop severe physical withdrawals to alcohol, such as morning fatigue, or “shakes”
  • Feel a sense of shame about your drinking, and go to lengths to hide it from your friends or family.

Just like any other form of chemical dependence, alcoholism will take hold of a person before they even know it, and quit one of the hardest things to do. Not only is the addiction itself defeating, but the social pressure from always being surrounded by alcohol isn’t easy either.

Treating alcoholism requires ongoing treatment, and a safe detox, as withdrawal from alcohol is extremely life-threatening.

If you or someone you know is suffering from drug or alcohol dependence, call and speak to one of our addiction specialists. They can answer any questions you might have. Xxx-xxx-xxxx